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What’s Behind Today’s Mortgage Rate Volatility?
If you’ve been watching mortgage rates lately, you might feel like you are on a roller coaster ride. One day, rates are up; the next, they dip slightly. So, what’s driving this constant change? Let’s dive into just a few of the significant reasons why we’re seeing so much volatility and what it means for you.…
Two Reasons Why the Housing Market Won’t Crash
You may have heard chatter recently about the economy and a possible recession. Unsurprisingly, that noise worries some people about a housing market crash. Maybe you’re one of them. But here’s the good news – there’s no need to panic. The housing market is not set up for a crash right now. Real estate journalist Michele Lerner says:…
How Many Homes Are Investors Buying?
Are big investors buying up all the homes today? If you’re looking to find a house to buy, this may be something you’re about. Maybe you’ve heard about it or seen reels on social media saying investors buying all the homes makes it even harder to find what the average buyer is looking for. But spoiler alert –…