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What Mortgage Rate Are You Waiting For?
You won’t find anyone who will argue that mortgage rates have significantly impacted affordability over the past couple of years. But there is hope on the horizon. Rates have started to come down. And, recently, they hit the lowest point we’ve seen in 2024, according to Freddie Mac (see graph below): And if you’re thinking about buying a home, that may leave you wondering: how…
How Mortgage Rate Changes Impact Your Homebuying Power
If you’re considering buying or selling a home, you’ve probably got mortgage rates on your mind. That’s because you’ve likely heard that mortgage rates impact how much you can afford in your monthly mortgage payment, and you want to factor that into your planning. Here’s what you need to know. What’s Happening with Mortgage Rates? Mortgage rates have been trending…
Now’s a Great Time To Sell Your House
Are you thinking about selling your house? If you are, you might be weighing factors like today’s mortgage rates and your changing needs to determine your next move. Here’s something else to consider. According to the latest Home Purchase Sentiment Index (HPSI) from Fannie Mae, the percentage of respondents who say it’s an excellent time to sell is on the rise (see graph below): Why Are…